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Key Decision Strategies for Startup Founders
Making wise decisions is essential for the success of a...
Read More10 Main Challenges Startups Face
One in nine new businesses fail. Starting your own business...
Who Is Rizhan?
Just a human obsessed with humans.
Hey, I'm Rizhan
I’m a brand advisor for 6-7 figure creators and influencers.
At the age of 23, I dropped out of college with a lot of debt. After trying and failing at various offline businesses, Rizhan turned to dropshipping as a way to make money.
However, I quickly discovered the limitations of this model and decided to start their own e-commerce supplement brand, Organibee. With a small budget and effective advertising techniques, I was able to pay off their debt and grow the brand into a 2 Miyar Rupiah business in just six months.
I has since built many successful online businesses, including Nebu, Super Machinna, Organilife, Suratprofit, and Profitlab.